Artists: Zhang Ding, Zeng Fanzhi, Shi Yong, Zhang Enli, Sun Xun, Geng Jianyi, Ding Yi, Ouyang Chun, Li Shan, Zhou Tiehai, Liang Shaoji, Zhao Yang, Hu Jieming, Birdhead, Yu Youhan, Shi Qing, Yang Fudong, Zhu Jia, Jiang Pengyi, Xu Zhen
Organizer: Fosun Foundation (Shanghai)
Supported by: ShanghART Gallery
Fosun Foundation (Shanghai) and ShanghART Gallery are proud to present “20”, Fosun Foundation’s first group exhibition open to the public. With 20 artworks by 20 artists, the exhibition traces ShanghART’s involvement in the development of Chinese contemporary art over the past 20 years. The exhibition closes on February 20, 2017.
With the dramatic changes in society and the economy over the past 20 years, Chinese contemporary art has become far more complex and multifarious. Within this cacophony, artists have sought out their own individual languages. As noted in the exhibition introduction, “If Chinese contemporary art was largely influenced by the West throughout the 1990s, focusing on political deconstruction and metaphor with a strong critical bent, then Chinese contemporary art since the turn of the millennium aims more to express the confluence of capital and the market, but colored by the complexities inherent to art.”